Sunday, July 10, 2005

If your Sun Sign is PISCES Click Here

As the twelfth and final sign of the zodiac, Pisces represents the twelfth and final stage in the evolution of man and his place in the universe. Here, the desire is to use all that has been learned and assimilated in order to gain perfection; of man as an individual and humanity as a whole. This perfection leads man to his rightful place in the universe. Though not all Pisceans occupy their time with such lofty aspirations as attaining their rightful place in the universe, the notion of perfection is a strong factor in their personality. They find it difficult to deal with people and situations that do not live up to their idealized images. It isn't that they can't see things clearly, they just don't want to accept things as they really are. Seeking greater perfection than the real world is capable of producing, they often turn to religion or other spiritual and philosophical disciplines.Pisceans readily adapt to change. This trait is a strength because it is a survival mechanism, and a weakness because it makes them vulnerable to the demands and influence of other people. In spite of their sensitive personality and delicate physical constitutions, most Pisceans are survivors. Their adaptability allows them to outlast those who may be much stronger. Because they so readily identify with the feelings of others, and willingly adapt themselves to different people and changing circumstances, they risk the exploitation or loss of their own needs, ideas, and talent. The opposite side of the coin is that adaptability also allows Pisceans to gain personal power over those they understand so well and turn it to their own advantage. The fish is the astrological symbol for Pisces. The fish is pictured as a double figure seen to swim in either direction. This represents the ultimate Piscean choice; either to be strong and overcome weakness inherent in their sensitive nature, or to become the victim of this acute vulnerability.Pisceans react emotionally to everything they experience in life. Before they take physical action, before they sort out the practicality of what they are doing, and before they reason things out intellectually, they give in to their feelings. Compassionate and fair-minded, they are not at all afraid to bend unbreakable rules if the situation demands a more humane approach. They make excellent judges, sensitive administrators, and inspirational teachers. Their surplus of emotions implies an addictive nature, and thus it is necessary to avoid habit-forming drugs and other substances. To maintain their emotional equilibrium, they need a private spot or at least a private time for daily retreat and relaxation. The most creatively stimulating and soothing environment for Pisceans is near water, preferably the ocean.The modern ruler of Pisces is Neptune, planet of the spiritual and sensitive qualities in man. Ancient astrologers assigned Pisces Jupiter, a planet also associated with spirituality as well as thirst for knowledge and understanding. These planets represent similar traits and both of them influence Piscean personalities. They are idealistic, sensitive, and love to play martyr. They are often shy and would much rather impersonate someone else than be themselves. That's why so many are actors, artists, writers, and dreamers. Their association with elusive Neptune makes it hard to predict how Pisceans will develop. Some of them are neat and well organized, while others become slovenly and careless. Personal habits are often a direct reflection of emotional reactions to their environment. Their imaginations are limitless, an ability that makes them successful writers of fiction or turns them into pathological liars. Unique ability to understand the abstract can make them gifted mathematicians and theorists, or it can put them so out of touch with reality that they make no sense at all.As if to directly confront their own vulnerability, many Pisceans are daredevils and risk-takers, becoming race car drivers, aviators, explorers, and hunters. Their emotional nature can make them compulsive eaters who face a lifelong battle of the bulge. Sports and physical fitness routines are a good way for them to keep in shape as well as reduce their emotional stress. Horseback riding, dancing, skating, swimming or sailing are favored activities.Piscean colors are pale green, purple, rose, and gray-blue. Vulnerable parts of the body are the feet and lymphatic system. Swelling, allergic reaction to drugs, and sore feet are common complaints, but their emotional nature can also make them vulnerable to psychosomatic illness. The Piscean birthstone is the aquamarine. The sea-colored aquamarine becomes invisible when submerged in water. This is an appropriate representation of the shy Pisceans who often wish they could disappear as easily. Flowers for Pisces are the orchid, lilac, wisteria, water lily (lotus), poppy (white), and pansy.

If your Sun Sign is AQUARIUS Click Here

As the eleventh sign of the zodiac, Aquarius represents the eleventh stage in the evolution of man and his place in the universe. In Aquarius, the individuality of man so carefully nurtured in Leo, now becomes part of the greater spectrum of society as a whole. Capricorn sets up the structure and rules of society, and Aquarius takes on the role of making the organizations of society function as the people-oriented institutions they were intended to be. Aquarians are the original organizers of the zodiac. Their societal orientation, loyalty, fairness, and objective nature are reasons why they tend to attract many friends and acquaintances in life. Though they are not above wanting to live well, many Aquarians are more interested in people than they are in amassing great wealth or taking on the responsibilities that invariably accompany such a life style. When they cannot afford some luxury, they rationalize why they didn't need it in the first place.Aquarians are stubborn and resist changing their opinions or accepting new ideas that they do not like or with which they do not agree. Big changes in life are accepted as a challenge, but small changes that throw off their plans are not tolerated very well. The astrological symbol for Aquarius is the figure of a man pouring water. The water is seen as mankind's collective consciousness. It depicts Aquarians as disseminators of the spirit of humanity. Many Aquarians, in tune with their celestial heritage, are idealists who champion the highest principles to which humanity can aspire. However they are also extremely independent thinkers. When confronted with authoritarian demands or dogmatic principles to which they do not subscribe, they rebel. They may hesitate to take the initiative at times, but once they decide a situation or idea is worthwhile, they become involved and aggressive in pushing it forward. They don't mind being asked to do something but they resent being told to do it. Those who want to gain their favor will help share the work load without being asked.Aquarians react to everything they experience in life with an intellectual orientation. Before they take physical action, before they assess the practical worth of something, and before they sort out their true emotions, they try to visualize it objectively as a kind of mental exercise. In relationships, their intellectual approach makes them appear interested but not particularly passionate or possessive. It does not necessarily mean they really lack passion. When they do focus their feelings, their passion can be as intense as it is inspirational.The modern ruler of Aquarius is Uranus, planet of the unorthodox and eclectic mentality of mankind. The ancient ruler of Aquarius is Saturn, planet of restriction and structure. Such different characteristics seem to directly contradict one another, but a close look at the Aquarian personality shows that both planets co-exist in a strangely compatible way. Aquarians demonstrate association with Uranus by being unpredictable. Saturn's influence gives them stability. The two influences generally mean that when Aquarians suddenly change course, or do something unpredictable, they are not likely to be acting on a whim or a bet but for some very practical or advantageous reason. They favor the unique as well as the traditional. Sometimes they are either so involved with the past (history and antiques) or so tuned in to the future (spaceships and neon clothes) they lose track of the present. Exhibiting the stability of Saturn, they may live unvaried, even boring lives; feeling very comfortable and secure in such an unchanging, stable environment. Sooner or later however, they are apt to encounter circumstances that make it hard for them to know what they will be doing next. They often adopt life styles and ideas that are counter to current trends. The odd and unique fascinate them, and they are rarely caught off guard by abnormal situations and strange people.Aquarians are good eaters but may not care what's on the menu. Most of them are indifferent cooks. As long as they can participate with a partner, or as part of a team they are enthusiastic about sports and, as a result, may not have trouble keeping physically fit. When left on their own however, they become lazy and reluctant to engage in what to them is a lonely series of exercises with which they quickly become bored. Broad jumping, camping, ballooning, tennis, swimming, racquetball, and baseball are some of their favorite activities. Science and engineering, international finance, writing, music, psychology or social work are areas of special interest to Aquarians.Aquarian colors are silver, aqua, and purple and the more electric shades of pink and blue. Vulnerable parts of the body are the shins, ankles, and circulatory system. Cramps, allergies, sudden illness and freak accidents are common Aquarian complaints, though they may also suffer from various nervous disorders. The birthstone for Aquarius is amethyst. This gem is believed to confer stability and mental poise on those who wear it. Flowers for Aquarians are the more unusual blossoms and include the gladioli, tiger lily, trillium, bird of paradise, and jack-in-the-pulpit.

If your Sun Sign is CAPRICORN Click Here

As the tenth sign of the zodiac, Capricorn represents the tenth stage in the evolution of man and his place in the universe. Having gained power and control through emotions and knowledge in Scorpio and Sagittarius, Capricorn seeks control by virtue of authority. All authority is given its control by rules and regulations which civilized society accepts and with which they must comply in order to progress. For all their concern with legality or the propriety of things, Capricorns can be guilty of making or enforcing rules they themselves do not follow. Blinded by their own ambition, and obsessed with their goals, they adopt the philosophy that the end justifies the means.Capricorns are doers. They set out to accomplish things and are determined to succeed one way or another. By nature they are executives and managers. Ambitious, pragmatic, and goal-oriented, they learn how to get things done. The mountain goat is an appropriate astrological symbol for this sign since a sure-footed, methodical climb to the top is the main goal of Capricorn individuals. They aspire to positions of power and authority, and they admire others who attain such positions. Initiative and willingness to accept responsibilities are keys to their success. Wanting to be admired and respected, they do not want to appear weak or ineffective. This false pride makes it hard for them to admit when they are wrong or to ask others for help. Though they aggressively compete for what they want with apparent sureness, they harbor inner lack of confidence which makes them defensive. Viewing insecurity and fear as weaknesses, they attempt to hide such feelings, making it hard for others to get close to them. As children they have unusual maturity. They are in a hurry to participate in the adult world and often get along better with older children and adults than with their peers.Capricorns react to what they experience by assessing its possible worth. Before they take physical action, before they sort out their emotional involvement, and before they reason it out intellectually, they must ascertain what tangible advantages are to be gained from the experience. They gladly work long and hard if it means getting what or who they want. They can be very lazy if they see no sense in working, or if they can achieve the same goals in a less strenuous manner. They have a good sense of humor but will not tolerate being ridiculed or teased on a personal level. Those who set out to so abuse a Capricorn, will soon learn the error of their ways.Saturn, planet of structure and reality, is the ruler of Capricorn, which means that Capricorns need to know and understand limits in all areas of life. Early in life they should be taught traditional values, rules and regulations, and proper thought and behavior. Even if they reject these things later, it allows them to develop and focus on specific goals. Without the structure of rules, restrictions, and values to guide them up the mountain toward their goals, they lose their way. Ambition and enthusiasm fade. Knowing the rules and regulations and the way that society is structured makes them feel they understand the reality of life. And for Capricorn, once the reality of something is understood, it is much easier to handle and manipulate. This approach makes them good builders, engineers, politicians, lawyers, and business executives. Capricorns often look older or more mature when they are young. However, when they reach middle age the reverse occurs. They seem to defy the aging process, and retain a remarkably youthful appearance well into old age.Capricorns usually do not have a predisposition to be fat. Good dietary habits in their youth tend to stay with them as adults. Their innate spirit of competition makes them enthusiastic sportsmen. They can be so aggressively determined to win, it is difficult for them to be gracious when they lose. They make good team players as well as good team managers. Jogging, running (especially cross-country), golf, skating, hunting, wrestling, boxing, martial arts, and body-building are favorite activities. They also favor gun collecting, perhaps because guns are undeniable symbols of authority.Capricorn colors are chocolate brown, royal and navy blue, dark green, charcoal gray, and red. Vulnerable parts of the body are the bones and joints (especially the knees), teeth, and skin. Though sensitive skin, allergies, and broken bones are their most likely complaints, worrying too much can also result in physical problems. The garnet is Capricorn's birthstone. This gemstone is believed to keep its wearers from accidents and falls. In some ancient societies garnets were worn only by royalty. Capricorn flowers include the camellia, orange blossom, carnation (red), baby's breath, and magnolia.

If your Sun Sign is SAGITTARIUS Click Here

As the ninth sign of the zodiac, Sagittarius represents the ninth stage in the evolution of man and his place in the universe. As Scorpio seeks to understand and control with emotional power, Sagittarius seeks to understand and control with knowledge. Most Sagittarians have an intellectual curiosity that covers a wide range of subjects. Never try to present Sagittarians with facts because they already have an unlimited supply which they gladly recite in rapid succession. They become bored and restless when surrounded by people or circumstances in which they have no interest. At such times, they find ways to disappear physically or mentally. They would rather learn things on their own through travel and experience than endure structured classroom environments and routine work assignments. However, given opportunities to broaden their knowledge and gain experience in the world on their own, they become excellent teachers and administrators in the very type of educational system they once found so restricting.Sagittarians readily adapt to change. This trait is a strength because it is a survival mechanism, and a weakness because it makes them vulnerable to the demands and influence of other people. One of their greatest facilities for adapting to change is making home wherever they happen to be. The astrological symbols for Sagittarius are the hunter (archer) and the centaur, the mythical half man and half horse. They represent the Sagittarian search for collecting and disseminating truth and knowledge as well as their constant search for new ideas and new adventures. They are usually quite talkative and, as a rule, do not hesitate to give their honest opinions, a gesture which seems tactless at times though it is rarely their intention to be cruel. They have a ready wit and appreciate the humor even in grim situations.Sagittarians react physically to everything they experience in life. Before they assess the practicality or worth of what they are doing, before they sort out their true emotions, and before they take time to reason things out intellectually, they have a tendency to shoot first and ask questions later. Communication-oriented Sagittarians are forever running around with energy and enthusiasm. They are independent and hard to pin down for long, and indeed, this is the sign of the bachelor. In one way or another even married Sagittarians seek to maintain some aspect of personal independence.Jupiter, planet of bountiful fortunes and good luck, rules Sagittarians. As a rule, most of them have generous natures and friendly, optimistic personalities. Natural politicians, they are interested in knowing everyone and in going everywhere. For the true Sagittarian personality, life is something to be enjoyed every day. Addicted to all the good things in life, they know how to get maximum enjoyment from them. Unfortunately too much of a good thing can be ruinous, and prudence is a difficult trait for most Sagittarians to acquire. The philosophy that "more is better" describes their tendency for overdoing, a tendency that can result in some negative situations. Being overly spiritual or too philosophical, for example, they get too far out of touch with the real world. Making overblown efforts to be prudent in one area, they can still manage to bankrupt themselves by overindulging in other areas. Their attempt to be prudent can get so far out of line, that they turn into a miser.Sagittarians are enthusiastic sportsmen. They enjoy physically challenging endeavors of all kinds. Archery, jogging, hang gliding, sailing, and fishing (especially for big sport fish such as sword fish or blue marlin) are favorite activities. One of the biggest challenges to overcome may be the battle of the bulge when their fondness for great quantities of food and drink finally catches up with them. They are natural gamblers and risk-takers, and usually have the good fortune to come out on the winning side of wagers, especially when they try their luck at horse or dog racing. They love music, art, dance, and drama (theater) and many of them have considerable talent in these areas.Sagittarian colors are maroon, tan, navy, orange, and cobalt blue. Vulnerable parts of the body are the thighs, hips, and, to some extent, the feet. Their physical complaints are apt to be the result of unrestricted diets or an overly indulgent pursuit of other pleasures. The ancients associated the ruby with Sagittarius, while modern astrologers gives this sign the turquoise. The Sagittarian's highly adaptable, somewhat dual-natured personality can easily associate itself with both gems. Because Sagittarius is associated with bigness in general, flowers for this sign include the large blooms such as huge mums, hydrangeas, dahlias, and peonies.

If your Sun Sign is SCORPIO Click Here

As the eighth sign of the zodiac, Scorpio represents the eighth stage in the evolution of man and his place in the universe. This stage is concerned with an emotional development that goes beyond Cancerian concern with home and family. Scorpio's emotional involvement is not based on love or pleasure, but on the control and understanding of human emotions and the role they play in the mysterious process of life and death. Though all Scorpios do not spend their lives pondering the mysteries of life and death, most of them are inquisitive, probing individuals. They are fascinated with how things work, especially people. Their mental and physical powers of recuperation are remarkable, and truly evolved Scorpios can learn to use their power to help and inspire others.Scorpios are stubborn and impervious to changes not of their own making. However they accomplish many things in life because of their tenacity in sticking with projects when others lose patience and stamina. On the surface they may seem easy-going, congenial, and gregarious but they are also extremely tenacious with a tendency to manipulate and control. Keys to their success are a strong will and the ability to get to the bottom of things. They want answers and doggedly persist until they get them. Astrological symbols for Scorpio are the scorpion and the eagle. They representative the potency and range of the formidable power and control that Scorpios can develop.Scorpios react emotionally to everything they experience in life. Before they take physical action, before they sort out the practicality of what they are doing, and before they reason things out intellectually, they express their feelings. Though their emotions are the strongest motivational factor in their behavior, unlike the emotionally oriented Cancerians and Pisceans, Scorpios are not apt to wear their hearts on their sleeves. They consciously or subconsciously want to dominate relationships and rarely exhibit emotions openly. Even when they seem to be open, they always hold back something of themselves. They may not intentionally want to be mysterious but many of them manage to appear enigmatic anyway. They do not like being crossed or manipulated, and react to such treatment with sarcasm and vengefulness.Modern astrologers assign Pluto, planet of intensity and depth, as the ruler of Scorpio. Ancient astrologers (unaware of Pluto's existence) assigned Mars, planet of fire and energy, as the ruler of Scorpio. Both of these planets can be seen to influence the nature of those born in Scorpio. The focus and concentration of their expressions and personality makes them appear magnetic and powerful. The fiery energy of Mars that is exhibited when they are enthusiastic attracts and inspire others. Their intensity can be overwhelming but also subtle. Their considerable energy is not aroused or employed just to have something to do as is often the case with Aries, the other Mars-ruled personality. Unlike Aries, Scorpio is not openly combative unless it becomes necessary. Their privacy is tightly protected, and others get to know them only up to a certain point. They may not show any sign of inner struggle but when they are after something or someone their determination is fierce. Should they not be favored in the outcome, they are not willing or gracious losers. They are not arrogant and, in fact, are quite interested in others and what others have to say. However they often exhibit a self-sufficiency that implies there isn't much they don't already know.Scorpios have a strong, competitive nature. With little effort they become exceptional athletes. They want real challenges and will not easily suffer would-be competitors who do not possess skills that are equal to their own. They enjoy sports that require strength, swiftness, and cunning. Body-building, soccer, hockey, hunting, swimming, scuba diving, and spelunking are favorite activities. Scorpio is associated with the mythical phoenix rising from the ashes. This symbol not only represents their own recuperative powers, it also represents their resourceful ability to create something new out of something old or useless. Recycling, and renovating homes and other buildings are typical projects for which they are well suited. Creative potentials include those who are outstanding cooks, writers, designers, and composers. Their shrewdness in assessing value makes them excellent real estate agents and developers, bankers, stockbrokers, and financial planners.Scorpio colors are red, black, midnight blue, and emerald green. Vulnerable parts of the body are the reproductive organs and excretory system. Headaches, infections, and fevers are Scorpio complaints. Topaz is Scorpio's birthstone. The Roman naturalist, Pliny the Elder, traced the name to the Island of Topazos which, in Greek means "to guess. " This meaning is a fair description of the inquisitive, mystery-loving nature of Scorpio. Topaz, one of the hardest minerals, cannot be cut with a knife. It is yet another representation of the impenetrable Scorpio nature. Scorpio flowers include the anemone, heather, and gardenia.

If your Sun Sign is LIBRA Click Here

As the seventh sign of the zodiac, Libra represents the seventh stage in the evolution of man and his place in the universe. The first six signs represent man's attention turned inward to understand and develop his individuality and position in the cosmos. The rest of the signs represent his attention turned outward to humanity as a whole. Libra is not merely the sign of partnership, it is the sign of other people in general. Libra is the balance between the individual and society. To attain the understanding man seeks in Libra, there must be a compromise between the passion and the intellect. The physical world must come to terms with the nonphysical world. The objectivity of judgment needed for these tasks is characteristic of the Libran temperament. Un-evolved Librans can be cold and unemotional or unable to make decisions. But this is not true of mature Librans in whom such traits merely represent attempts to reach true objectivity.Librans are doers. In spite of their need to be liked, and reluctance to face confrontations, they are surprisingly strong-willed. They set out to accomplish their goals and will find ways to succeed one way or another, usually by using their wit and charm. The "iron fist in a velvet glove" approach is one key to their success. When such ploys are ineffective however, they can become uncharacteristically aggressive and determined to solve the matter then and there. Their change of attitude in such situations is usually effective enough to catch others off guard and allow the Librans to gain control. If they become convinced nothing more is to be gained no matter what they do, they won't hesitate to walk away from a situation with no further explanation or thought of returning. The Scales are Libra's astrological symbol and Librans require balance in their lives. In relationships, they invariably give back in kind what they have been given.Librans react to everything they experience in life with an intellectual orientation. Before they take physical action, before they assess the practical worth of something, and before they sort out their true emotions, they try to visualize it objectively as a kind of mental exercise. It would be a mistake to believe they lack passion. They can be outrageous flirts and true romantics. Their passion is not apt to be sustained however, if their interest in someone does not include intellectual rapport as well as physical attraction.Venus, planet of beauty and social grace, rules Libra. They get emotional, physical, and psychological pleasure from beauty in all forms. Books, music, flowers, and perfume are typical delights. If their environment is not esthetically pleasing, they can become unhappy without even realizing that their surroundings may be at least partly responsible for their depression. For Librans, social grace begins with good manners, extends to high level diplomacy, and ends with abhorrence of disagreeable confrontations. When forced to endure a fractious environment, they lose ability to think or function efficiently. They promote peace and harmony, and will invariably opt to bypass hostile confrontations whenever some equally effective method can be employed. Though they need partnership and association with other people, they do not like crowds and attempt to avoid them whenever possible.Librans can exert impressive physical energy but the stamina they need to do it tends to run in cycles. They work hard, play hard, and then collapse into inertia until nature restores the balance and their energy returns. Addicted to the luxuries and creature comforts of life, Librans have a lazy streak, especially when it comes to physical exercise. Few of them will walk if they can ride. Fondness for rich food (sugar is their biggest weakness) makes it necessary to get proper physical exercise. However, if they have not been thoroughly indoctrinated to the virtues of physical fitness from childhood, and in the meanwhile nothing or no one has come along to inspire them to stay in shape, they simply turn into marshmallows. Tennis, hiking, horseback riding, skating, and aerobics are a few activities with special appeal for Librans.Libra colors are ivory, pink (or rose), turquoise, and blue. Vulnerable parts of the body are the kidneys, lumbar region of the back, and ovaries. Lower back pain, and the problems caused by too much sugar or rich food are common complaints. Libra's birthstone is the opal. This unique gem consists mostly of ordinary sand and water. Just as hidden water in opals cause the fire in the gem, there is more emotional content than is apparent behind the brilliant flashes of the Libran intellect. Libra rules flowers in general but particularly appropriate blooms for Libra include roses (white or pink), daisies, violets, asters, and orchids.

If your Sun Sign is VIRGO Click Here

As the sixth sign of the zodiac, Virgo represents the sixth stage in the evolution of man and his place in the universe. In Leo the need is to discover and develop man's individuality and creative potential. In Virgo the need is to find ways to put man's individual talents to the best possible use. This is why Virgo is known as the sign of service. For many Virgos, the need to make things better is satisfied by pursuing careers in health-related fields or in other areas such as teaching, labor relations, environmental protection, social work, or religious counseling. Though most Virgos do have altruistic motives in helping others, it must also be said that Virgos have a tendency to act the martyr when their service or counseling is ignored, and it is not unheard of for them to use guilt as a weapon when they want to elicit the attention and cooperation of others. As a Virgo you are here to learn that helping others to improve is one thing, but pushing them toward goals of perfection they cannot hope to accomplish is destructive as well as impossible.Virgos adapt to change. This trait is a strength because it is a survival mechanism, and a weakness because it makes them vulnerable to the demands and influence of other people. Instinctively responsive to the needs of others, they usually adapt to different people and changing circumstances by finding ways to make themselves useful. The Virgin is the astrological symbol of Virgo and, like the true virgin, most Virgos are shy. Like a virgin waiting to give herself to the perfect lover, Virgos are also idealistic. Unfortunately when they allow idealism to get out of hand, nothing is accomplished. The virgin becomes a bitter spinster and talents die on the vine. Though intensely personal situations are inhibiting, there are other situations when Virgos can be very dynamic. When the spotlight is not directly on them but on a product or a service they offer, they are excellent salespersons.Virgos react to what they experience by assessing its practical worth. Before they take physical action, before they sort out their emotional involvement, and before they reason it out intellectually, they must ascertain what tangible advantages are to be gained from the experience. If the advantages they find are not necessarily useful to them, they are willing to give them to those who can benefit. Virgos are effective negotiators. They patiently endure endless details and responsibilities if convinced it accomplishes an end they think justifies their efforts.Mercury, planet of the intellect, rules Virgo, giving Virgos an analytical approach to life. That communication is important to Virgos is aptly demonstrated by the fact that so many of them are very talkative. They love books, magazines, and writing. With a critical eye for organization and detail and their constant search for perfection, Virgos have an irresistible urge to improve everything and everyone, whether they need it or not. Virgos are not above using their inability to achieve perfection as an excuse for their own idleness and unproductiveness. Out of character with their true nature, these Virgos are sloppy, disorganized, and irresponsible. What is worse, their own bad habits do not in the least inhibit them from criticizing others for the same behavior. Their analytical ability makes them excellent critics of the talent and performance of those more skilled than themselves. Virgos need to think that what they do is of a practical and helpful nature. The worthiness of their self-sacrificing efforts is spoiled at times however, when they exact tangible proof of gratitude from those who benefited from their actions.Likely to be health conscious, many Virgos make an effort to stay physically fit. If they are convinced that results can be achieved, they don't mind tedious exercise routines. They enjoy tennis, racquetball, swimming, sailing, fishing, and biking. As athletes, Virgos are not overly competitive. Most of them do however, attempt to perfect whatever skills they do have in a particular sport. They are likely to be talented craftsman, seamstresses, or designers, and may have particular interest in such things as cartography, travel, and philately.Virgo colors are blue, yellow, gray, tan, navy, and lilac. Vulnerable parts of the body are the sinuses, respiratory system, and bowels. Colds, flu, allergies, and constipation are common Virgo complaints. The sapphire, which is a variety of the mineral corundum, is Virgo's birthstone. This gem was considered by ancient societies as a love charm. Though they come in a variety of colors and can even be transparent, the most valuable sapphires are blue. Blue is also the principal color associated with Virgo. Flowers and plants for Virgo include the aster, chrysanthemum, ivy, and fern.

If your Sun Sign is LEO Click Here

As the fifth sign of the zodiac, Leo represents the fifth stage in the evolution of man and his place in the universe. Here, the dominant need is to develop man's creative urge. Creativity is not entirely an emotional urge in Leo, it is also an expression of ego. The mind and heart are united in Leo to represent man's ultimate individuality. When their egos are turned inward, Leos become self-centered and tyrannical. Seeking to gain attention (consciously or subconsciously), they love to play the hero. At times this gesture is indeed noble, but feeling they already know what is best, they often neglect to learn what assistance is actually wanted and their misguided generosity becomes worthless to those they sought to help. Imaginative Leos envision grandiose schemes and many of them possess the talent to turn their ideas into reality.Leos are stubborn and impervious to changes not of their own making. They are however, able to accomplish things in life because of their tenacity in sticking with projects when others lose patience and stamina. Unfortunately, stubbornness in the Leo personality is dictated more often than not by their ego. Attempts to back them into a corner, or demanding that they change their thinking or behavior will quickly reveal the extent of their intractable nature. Even when confronted with irrefutable evidence of the foolhardiness of their ways, Leos can stubbornly cling to bad relationships and wrong ideas because their egos simply will not allow them to admit being wrong. However, their tenacity becomes a valuable asset when it is demonstrated as loyalty to friends, or as patience and determination to succeed in completing a worthy project. The astrological symbol for Leo is the Lion. As king of the jungle, this animal represents the regal disposition of the Leo personality. Their dignity cannot be assailed. If insulted or abused, they rarely forget the slight unless their detractors sincerely and humbly request forgiveness. Leos generally have opinions about everything and not a bit of reluctance in expressing them. They must have the last word and, as far as most of them are concerned, it is the only one that counts.Leos react physically to everything they experience. Before they assess the practicality or worth of what they are doing, before they sort out their true emotions, and before they take time to reason things out intellectually, their tendency is to shoot first and ask questions later. Leos tackle projects others would not attempt, though they cannot help calling as much attention as possible to their efforts. Their penchant for exaggeration and overreaction works well in the theater, advertising schemes, and other situations where a "bigger than life" approach is desirable. Leos are often guilty however, of habitually turning a mundane problem or fairly routine situation into an overblown crisis, much to the confusion and annoyance of those around them. The sun, celestial guardian of the human ego, rules Leo. Its influence gives Leos a true love of life and its pleasures. Genial hosts and natural entertainers, they get pleasure out of helping others enjoy life as much as they do. Enthusiasm and generosity are integral parts of their gregarious natures. Their sunny dispositions inspire the affection of many friends and admirers, as well as engender feelings of envy in those with less popular personalities. Though usually full of ambition and enthusiasm, they also have a lazy streak and, if given the opportunity, will take the easy way out of things, especially when the situation offers little fun or glory. They are so attracted to energy and excitement it can be difficult for them to accept that life also consists of boring routines and mundane details that need constant attention.It is easy for pleasure-loving Leos to become addicted to rich food, and as they get older they find themselves putting on weight. Their gregarious nature makes it hard to enjoy or stick to boring or solitary physical fitness routines, but they may not mind dressing up in flashy gym outfits and joining an exercise class. Dancing, swimming, and tennis are favorite activities, though they are eager participants in sports of all kinds. When engaged in team sports, however, they can make too many grandstand plays, forgetting that they are just part of a team. Arts and crafts, theater groups, philanthropic societies, and religious organizations attract their interest and participation.Leo colors are gold, royal blue, purple, and red. Vulnerable parts of the body are the back and the heart. Overexertion, heart murmur, and various types of back pains are the usual Leo complaints. Leo rules gold, and the birthstone for this sign is the sardonyx. An appropriate representative of Leo's versatile, creative personality, the intriguing sardonyx is a variety of agate that exists in many colors and can be cut in many ways. One of the special ways it is used is in making cameos. Flowers for Leo include the showy dahlia, yellow lily, poppy (red), marigold, sunflower, and heliotrope.

If your Sun Sign is CANCER Click Here

As the fourth sign of the zodiac, Cancer represents the fourth stage in the evolution of man and his place in the universe. In Cancer the need is not one of individual survival as it was in the first three signs. Here, it is eternal survival through perpetuation of the species. It is the sign of fertility and nurture, and Cancerians have strong identification with these matters in one form or another. It doesn't mean all of them are good cooks or efficient housekeepers, but they all want to feel part of a family. They enjoy feeding others as much as they enjoy feeding themselves. They are also ready to supply emotional nurturing by "mothering" everyone who appears to be in need. When upset, they tend to use food as consolation, which in turn, results in problems with excess weight. As an offshoot of their sense of familial relationships, they often develop an interest in genealogy and history in general.Cancerians are doers. They set out to accomplish things and, one way or another, they want to obtain their goals. In spite of their emotional sensitivity, they are strong-willed and have no trouble expressing what they want, then finding a way to get it. The Crab is their astrological symbol and there are certain crab-like gestures directly associated with the behavior of Cancerians. Just as the crab walks sideways rather than straight ahead, Cancerians use an indirect approach in accomplishing their goals. Rather than direct confrontation or request, they are more apt to resort to using emotional appeal. For example, they will get others to cooperate by making them feel like part of a family. At the slightest provocation or threat the crab quickly hides in the sand or retreats into a shell until safer times are at hand. Cancerians who feel threatened or suspect that their attempts may be unsuccessful, often hide their true ambitions until a more comfortable situation occurs.Cancerians react emotionally to everything they experience in life. That is, before they take physical action, before they sort out the practicality of what they are doing, and before they reason things out intellectually, they must express their feelings. They wear their hearts on their sleeves. Many Cancerians succeed in life because their genuine concern for the welfare of others inspires loyalty as well as cooperation.The Moon, celestial guardian of human emotions, rules Cancer. The biggest struggle for Cancerians is to avoid becoming prisoners of their own emotions. Though they can be outwardly gregarious, they are shy and secretive about their personal matters. However, once they feel comfortable in a situation or relationship, they relax and completely open up even to the point of dominating the situation. Not usually ones to suffer in silence, they have to make an effort not to inflict their moods and endless recitations of their feelings or emotional troubles on others. Once they learn to keep excess emotions in control, their intuition can be remarkably accurate. Their emotional insecurity makes them want to hang on to things. They hate to throw anything away, and many end up avid collectors, conservators, and savers of string. It is equally difficult for them to give up on failed relationships, and still harder for them to learn the difference between caring and possessiveness. When they receive criticism, even constructive criticism, they tend to take it as a personal indictment instead of using it to attain personal growth and maturity.Participation in physical fitness or sports activities becomes an important, often vital way for Cancerians to work out their emotional stress. They are especially adaptable to team sports since they tend to view their team members as part of a family-like group. Favorite Cancerian sports are swimming, fishing, sailing and other water activities. They also enjoy skiing, ice skating, and mountain climbing. Cancerians are creative. Even those who may not have a particular talent can use some type of involvement with art, music, or writing as another method of emotional release, instead of indulging in eating binges or other destructive habits. Living or spending time near the water is a relaxing, as well as creatively stimulating environment for Cancerians.Cancer colors are white, silver, and pale yellow. Vulnerable parts of the body are the breasts and stomach. Stomach aches, food allergies, and hysterics are the usual afflictions of Cancerians. Cancer rules silver, and the ruby as well as the pearl are considered Cancerian birthstones. The surroundings of a beautiful piece of silver are reflected in its shiny polished surface. Similarly, the emotionally sensitive nature of Cancerians tends to reflect the people and circumstances surrounding them. The ruby, a variety of corundum, is one of the hardest minerals known, while the pearl is soft and easily scratched. These gems uniquely illustrate the two contrasting sides of the Cancerian personality; hard and determined as well as soft and vulnerable. Cancerian flowers are the water lily (lotus), iris, poppy (white), carnation (white) and southern magnolia.

If your Sun Sign is GEMINI Click Here

As the third sign of the zodiac, Gemini represents the third stage in the evolution of man and his place in the universe. Gemini goes beyond the Aries need for the raw energy of survival and the Taurus need to physically touch and experience the material world. In Gemini, it is the intellect that man needs to develop in order to understand the universe. This stage is concerned primarily with information-gathering and Geminis never seem to stop collecting it. They need to express ideas and share information with others, but what they do with their information is another matter. The mature Gemini becomes a serious scholar and careful researcher. The immature Gemini turns into a gossip and the proverbial "jack-of all-trades and master of none".Geminis readily adapt to change. This trait is a strength because it is a survival mechanism, and a weakness because it makes them vulnerable to the demands and influence of other people. The Twins are the astrological symbol of Gemini. Adopting a twin-like similarity to other people is easy for Geminis. They not only have a unique ability to understand what others are thinking, they also possess great cleverness for imitation. In this way they can maneuver themselves into many favorable positions. They can also lose sight of their own talents and ideas by being too willing and able to adopt the traits and immerse themselves in the personal situations of others. They tend to say what others want to hear instead of saying what they really think, or what they know to be the truth.Geminis react intellectually to everything they experience in life. That is, before they take physical action, before they assess the practical worth of something, and before they sort out their true emotions, they try to analyze things objectively as a kind of mental exercise. Though it is generally not a true assessment, the intellectual orientation of Geminis can make it appear to others as though they are unfeeling or emotionally superficial.Mercury, planet of the intellect (and communication in general) rules the sign Gemini. Those born with Sun in Gemini are talkative, quick witted, and have innate curiosity about everything. They keep themselves in a constant state of busyness, running here and there on errands or traveling from one city to another. Natural versatility and ever-changing interests give Geminis their multifaceted personalities. The eagerness and interest they have in what's going on around them contributes to an appearance of youthfulness (both physical and psychological) that most of them manage to retain throughout life. They have to learn to concentrate on one thing at a time, or at least on what they know can be accomplished efficiently and well. Easily jumping from one subject to another, they forget that others are not so nimble. They often have to be reminded to slow down and let others catch up with what they're talking about. They also have to be reminded to stop talking once in a while and listen. Sometimes they neglect to get all the facts before repeating information. Though they can be secretive about their personal affairs, they love to learn about everyone else. They enjoy mysteries and intrigue and don't mind becoming involved in behind the scenes antics of one sort or another. Always wanting to know everything gives them quite a store of information which in turn, makes them more interesting to others. Add to that their cheerful, friendly dispositions, and it isn't surprising that they get along so well in the world.Since they are apt to spend more time talking than eating, many Geminis are able to stay fairly slim. Their body is usually very flexible and agile, and they enjoy gymnastics, bicycling, swimming, and other activities that keep them physically fit. Favorite sports are tennis, racquetball and similar games in which they can participate with a partner. As a rule, they are adept at tinkering with mechanical devices or doing repair work. Gemini talents also include design, interior decoration, arts and crafts, magic and illusion, and music.Gemini colors are yellow and light blue. Vulnerable parts of the body are the arms, hands, fingers, lungs, and nervous system. Respiratory problems and various nervous conditions are common Gemini complaints. Agates are traditional Gemini birthstones. Appropriate to the multifaceted Gemini personality, this mineral is streaked with many colors. It may seem Gemini is scattered and thus weakened by the wide range of interests and abilities, but the steel-like hardness of agate is a reminder that the Gemini personality and character can be just as strong as it is varied. Gemini flowers include the lilac, azalea, and lily-of-the-valley.

If your Sun Sign is TAURUS Click Here

As the second sign of the zodiac, Taurus represents the second stage in the evolution of man and his place in the universe. The first thing man uses are his physical senses. What he can see, touch, and physically hold represents the reality of his position. It is why the celestial heritage of Taureans is to conserve physical resources and possessively cling to people whom they regard as their own. Their strongest desire is for personal security. Broken promises or the betrayal of others are threats to this security. Their reaction to such personal affronts is likely to be bitter, and those who inflict such abuses will not be given another chance. Disappointed Taureans can behave in a manner totally against their own best interests. They may completely retreat from the world, or, go in the opposite direction and become promiscuous. Whatever direction is taken, they may end up sacrificing the meaningful, enduring relationships they really need to feel emotionally secure.Taureans are stubborn and impervious to changes not of their own making. However, they are able to accomplish things in life because of their tenacity in sticking to projects in which others may have long since lost patience or stamina. The astrological symbol for Taurus is the Bull and indeed, the stubborn bullheaded nature of the Taurean personality can be extremely formidable to those who have the unfortunate experience of coming up against it. On the positive side, their quiet strength and determination inspires others to trust them. Because they dislike being unable to rely on others, they are usually very dependable themselves. Taureans are loving and patient when trying to accomplish what they think is worthwhile and when dealing with people they care about. As a rule, they do not enjoy surprises or spontaneous changes. They are far more comfortable when given sufficient time to prepare for things and allowed to follow their planned agenda.Taureans react to what they experience by assessing its possible worth. That is, before they take physical action, before they sort out their emotional involvement, and before they reason it out intellectually, they ascertain what tangible advantages are to be gained from the experience. What appears too abstract or vague fails to attract more than their passing interest. They need a definite purpose in what they do and in relationships they form. Because they don't want to be unnecessarily burdened, they willingly rid themselves of worn out items, but only if they cannot find any other way to make use of them.Venus, planet of beauty and pleasure, rules Taurus, which means that by nature, people born with Sun in Taurus are tactile and sensuous, seekers of personal comfort and physical pleasure. By design however, they are pragmatic with an appreciative eye for both monetary value as well as aesthetic beauty. They are lovers of nature and natural things. Their harmony in life is tied to reality and the material world, but sometimes they get carried away with personal acquisitions. When they go too far afield they tend to either accumulate wealth and never use it, or recklessly squander it without improving the quality or enjoyment of their lives. As a result of their addiction to personal pleasure and comfort, Taureans can be very lazy as well as very vulnerable to the unpleasant consequences that invariably result from overindulging in rich food and other physical pleasures. Their natural cautiousness saves them from making mistakes, but it can also prevent them from taking advantage of valuable opportunities.As a rule, Taureans are physically strong and solidly built. Even those who are not fat, may be physically more dense per pound of body weight. Many of them favor weight lifting or other body-building routines as a way to keep in shape. They enjoy participating in sports that require strength and endurance. They usually like to putter around the garden, and readily engage in other outdoor activities such as picnics, hikes, and trips to botanical gardens or a zoo. They love music and art and may have considerable talent in these areas. They often have a pleasant speaking or singing voice. Though Taureans tend to be rather subdued, they have a lively sense of humor, and enjoy socializing. Taurus colors are brown, russet, and turquoise. Vulnerable parts of the body are the neck, throat, shoulders, and upper torso. Stiff necks, sore throats, and earaches are common Taurean complaints. The emerald, a variety of the mineral beryl and as costly as a diamond, is the Taurus birthstone. The emerald's rich green color is suitably Taurean since it is the color of money, green pastures, and serenity. The emerald has a six-sided geometric form. Six is the number assigned to Venus which in turn, is the planetary ruler of Taurus. Flowers for Taurus are the rose (red), daisy, lily, and daffodil.

If your Sun Sign is ARIES Click Here

As the first sign of the zodiac, Aries represents the first stage in the evolution of man and his place in the universe. The raw energy of life itself, which is the first step in being part of the universe, is evident in the character and make-up of Aries people. Babies think of themselves as the center of everyone else's universe. As they grow older, they learn that they are not the center but part of a family group. It is the karmic responsibility of the Aries-born to accept the idea that they are not the center of the universe but part of the larger social order of all men. Aries personalities who do not develop this kind of maturity are demanding and infantile in their behavior. They want what they want, when they want it. The vital life force that is their celestial heritage can either be used to inspire others as well as themselves, or it can be turned inward to reflect only their own selfish needs, and as a result, they fail to evolve as individuals.Aries people are doers. They set out to accomplish things and are determined to succeed one way or another. The astrological symbol for Aries is the Ram and, considering the sheer force of energy and enthusiasm by which they accomplish their goals, it is not off the mark to suggest that they "ram" their way to success. They must, however, learn the difference between being confidently aggressive--a responsible "take-charge person" on whom others rely to get things moving-- and being rudely aggressive-- a "know-it-all" who is insensitive to the feelings as well as the wisdom of others.Aries individuals react in a physical way to everything they experience in life. That is, before they assess the practicality or worth of what they are doing, before they sort out their true emotions, and, before they take time to reason things out intellectually, their tendency is to shoot first and ask questions later. Their passionate nature is inspiring and flattering to others, but unless impatience and rash behavior are curbed, their unbridled enthusiasm backfires when they lose interest just as quickly as they gained it. Theirs is the astrological sign of the soldier but in their haste, they forget the practicality of being adequately armed before rushing headlong into physical or verbal combat. They quickly forget frustration and anger. Since theirs is essentially a generous nature, their selfishness is usually a result of carelessness rather than intentional unkindness.Active, fiery Mars rules Aries and indeed, Aries people are high-spirited, energetic individuals ready to try anything at least once. Courageous, optimistic, and friendly, they are lively participants in the everyday bustle of life, maintaining a frantic pace others find difficult to match. Constant physical activity works off excess energy, and its vitalizing influence is important to their intellectual and creative endeavors. It is usually the energetic Aries who is willing to start projects others would be afraid to tackle. However, it is also Aries who often fails to finish things when too many details demand attention or they simply lose interest. In spite of the physical energy associated with Aries, they are not above using the inability of others to keep up with them as an excuse for their own idleness. If they expect others to provide them with constant stimulation and are unwilling to find their own diversions, they become lazy. Cut off from physical activity, they become depressed, unproductive, and overweight.They are eager athletes and generous players. They enjoy the challenge of a tough contest, but they can be so stimulated that they become too aggressive. Aries rules guns and weapons, so it isn't surprising that many Aries individuals enjoy hunting. Combative by nature, they also enjoy boxing, wrestling, and most team sports. They are apt to be mechanically inclined and adept at arts and crafts, typing, working with machinery, playing musical instruments, or performing magic tricks. They have a tendency to allow their enthusiasm to exceed their actual ability. Before taking something apart, they don't stop to wonder if they can put it back together.Aries colors are red and white. Vulnerable parts of the body are the head and face. As a sign of this celestial association, many Aries individuals are born with a birth mark on their head or face. Headaches, black eyes, nose bleeds, and insect bites are common Aries complaints. The birthstone for Aries is the diamond. The tremendous heat and pressure that nature exerts in turning carbon into hard, brilliant diamonds represent the strength and physical force in the Aries-born. Flowers for Aries include the poppy (red), geraniums, honeysuckle, and hollyhocks.